COMPANY is a marketing website of PT. SENDANG BERLIAN SEJAHTERA (PT. SBS ) is a customer-focused company formed through a collaboration between local and international technical and business teams. Based in Jakarta, with a presence in major cities, our team of experienced professionals has over 15 years in the Municipal, Oil & Gas, and other industries in Indonesia. This has enabled us to foster strong relationships with industry leaders, allowing us to quickly mobilize local contractors and resources for large contracts worth millions of dollars.

PT. PGN (Persero) Tbk
Pemasangan Deepwell Groundbed ICCP System

PDAM Tirta Kahuripan Kab. Bogor
Pengadaan Alat Bantu untuk Kebutuhan Perumda Air Minum Tirta Kahuripan Kabupaten Bogor

PT. Bukit Asam
Sacrificial Anode Cathodic Protection Tarahan Lampung Expansion Jetty 5

Pengadaan dab Pemasangan Sacrificial Anode Untuk PGN GAS Pipeline KDL

PT. Pertamina (Persero) Tbk
Perjanjian Pengadaan Barang Electrical Cathodic Protection EPC Storage Tanks Modification and Piping RDMP RU V, for Tank o-22, D-20-06B, A-24 & P-3

Pengadaan Material PVC Tube Settler

PT. Padi Hijau Buana
Pengadaan Material PVC Tube Settler

PT Satoro Inspection Indonesia
CP Services for Crude Oil Pipeline Replacement in Rokan Area - Pertamina Gas

PT.WIKA (Persero)
Cathodic Protection Proyek DPPU Soekarno Hatta & RAB Tambahan Transfomer Rectifier